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Why I Chose Jekyll Over Traditional CMS for My Website


In the world of web development, the choice of content management systems (CMS) plays a crucial role in creating and managing a website. While popular platforms like WordPress dominate the market, I made a conscious decision to opt for a different path. After careful consideration and evaluation, I chose Jekyll as the foundation for my website. In this blog post, I will delve into the reasons behind my decision and explore the benefits that Jekyll brings to the table.

  1. Simplicity: One of the primary factors that drew me towards Jekyll was its simplicity. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, Jekyll offers a streamlined setup process, minimal configuration requirements, and a lightweight structure. With Jekyll, I could focus on what mattered most: creating compelling content without getting bogged down by the complexities of managing a sophisticated CMS.

  2. Speed and Performance: In the age of instant gratification, website speed is paramount. Jekyll’s static site generation approach eliminates the need for database queries and dynamic rendering. As a result, my Jekyll-powered website loads faster, providing visitors with a snappy user experience. By avoiding the performance overhead associated with traditional CMS platforms, Jekyll allows me to deliver content efficiently to my audience.

  3. Security: The security landscape of the web is ever-evolving, and protecting my website and its visitors is of utmost importance. Jekyll’s static nature significantly reduces the attack surface by eliminating the need for a backend or database. With fewer moving parts, my website becomes inherently more secure, giving me peace of mind and safeguarding against potential vulnerabilities.

  4. Version Control: Jekyll’s integration with Git and its reliance on Markdown files bring the benefits of version control to my website. With every change I make, I can track revisions, collaborate with others, and easily roll back to previous versions if necessary. This feature enhances productivity, enables efficient collaboration, and provides a safety net for experimenting with new ideas.

  5. Customization: Every website should reflect its owner’s unique style and branding. Jekyll empowers me with complete control over the design and structure of my website. With customizable themes, layouts, and templates, I can create a visually appealing and personalized website that resonates with my audience.

  6. Portability: Jekyll’s static files can be hosted on various platforms, offering excellent portability. Whether I choose GitHub Pages, Netlify, or any other hosting provider, deploying my Jekyll website is a breeze. This flexibility ensures that my website is not locked into a specific ecosystem, allowing me to migrate seamlessly if the need arises.

  7. Developer-Friendly: As a web developer, Jekyll’s use of familiar technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Markdown is a major advantage. Unlike the learning curve associated with some CMS platforms, Jekyll allows me to leverage my existing skills and knowledge. It provides a developer-friendly environment, enabling me to focus on coding, customization, and content creation.


Choosing Jekyll as the foundation for my website was a decision driven by simplicity, speed, security, version control capabilities, customization options, portability, and developer-friendliness. By embracing Jekyll, I’ve been able to create a fast, secure, and uniquely tailored website that aligns with my vision and requirements. Whether you’re a developer or a content creator, exploring alternative options like Jekyll can open up a world of possibilities and empower you to take control of your web presence.

Are you ready to embark on your own Jekyll journey? Give it a try and experience the benefits of this powerful static site generator.